about the author

Benjamin was born in Denver, Colorado, and moved to Israel at the age of 13. At the time, he didn’t speak any Hebrew and had to learn the language on the fly. This was a formative experience in his life that led him to have a unique outlook on life and pushed him to discover creative ways to express himself.

From a young age, Benjamin was passionate about writing and storytelling. His parents even say that he could talk before he could walk. His first childhood dream was to be a writer, and he was accepted to study fiction writing at a prestigious art school. At the age of 19, he discovered hip-hop and immediately decided to pursue music as he viewed it as the most accessible way to tell stories in the modern world. He jumped in face-first and moved to New York where he participated in various open mics, showcases, and freestyle cyphers to hone his skills.

Benjamin’s initial work was old-school style hip-hop, but since then he was evolved his sound to create a musical atmosphere that is fun and catchy, while still preserving a deep meaning. Inspired by artists such as Mac Miller, Outkast, and The Gorillaz he aims to retain a hip-hop influence while continuously pushing genre boundaries such as in his most recent album “Buried Treasure” which begins with him singing over piano before moving to a dance style beat, and then later experimental sounds and trap 808’s.



In the six years that Benjamin has been making music, he has released four albums and an EP.

In his music, Benjamin focuses on authenticity, concept albums, positivity, and experimenting with new directions and sounds.


Benjamin began his musical journey as a performer and feels most comfortable on stage.

He loves connecting with his audience through humor, freestyling, and storytelling. He has performed in dozens of different cities and most recently toured Europe from February to April of 2023.

Benjamin in the press

what its all about (the music)

In 2022 Benjamin released a three-album trilogy, about the past, present, and future. Since then, Benjamin has performed these albums live both locally and as he toured through Europe.

Colorado Boy (February 2022) explores Benjamin’s past through the lens of growing up in Colorado, reflecting on the idea of “who you used to be”

Prana (August 2022) is a yoga-themed concept album about what it means to embrace the now and truly live in the moment

Buried Treasure (December 2022) is an exploration of manifesting your future. The album has an eclectic musical sound and the lyrical narrative is inspired by the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Cohelo

what it’s also about (shows)