COLORADO BOY: using hip hop to tell the story of my past
Hi, I’m Benjamin.
lcome to Colorado Boy.
I created this project to tell the story of growth. On paper, growth is seen as a positive and we all (or at least most os us) are striving to be more than we are now. But growth can also be painful. Its hard to step away from the personas we’ve created for ourselves.
Probably the most pivotal event of my life was moving to Israel from Denver, Colorado at the age of 13. As my writing became more personal and COVID made me more nostalgic this became a subject I was increasingly interested in exploring. So I booked a session with one of my go-to producers, and we created the first track “Rocky Mountains” in one day.
Actually, most of the tracks on this project were created in one day, and the ones that weren’t fully done in one day were written in one sitting. Everything you’ll hear is raw and most importantly real.
The most common theme in this album is the live-for-the-moment mindset I discovered during COVID, which I think can be summed up in one line from the opening track: “Got one life, so better go live it”.
So if you only take one message from this album let it be that one. Don’t let the past be a burden, don’t be weighed down by who you think you should be, or who you used to be. Just be who you are now.
That’s it for me.
Welcome to “Colorado Boy: An Exploration of the Past”